Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Monday's appt.

We met with Dr. Schub, the neurologist on Monday and he continues to be pleased and surprised with how well Grace is doing. We once again told him about all of your prayers and that that it's because of Christ. The next time we go back to his office is for Grace's third EEG on October 20th and then we'll meet with him to discuss the results on October 25th. Grace is going to remain on the Clomazopam, which is the medication she started on even before the ACTH, which is designed to calm the brainwaves. She gets a quarter of a pill twice a day which is crushed and mixed with water and given to Grace in a syringe.

So at this point we stay the course and continue to pray for complete and permanent healing, that the seizures will never come back and that Grace will develop normally. Speaking of which, her voice is getting stronger and louder and she seems to enjoy vocalizing. She's also drinking from a sippy cup now, with just a tiny bit of help. She's actually been dying to do this for a while but we haven't let her. For example in her bathtub, we use a plastic cup to scoop water and pour it over her. She always tries to snatch it out of our hands and drink the water. We're considering these new sippy cup privileges her reward for all of the injections she endured.

Nighttime sleep is continually a challenge. I know we say that in every post. The last couple of nights were especially hard. We're tired and Michelle especially is feeling really run down. She hasn't had a full night's sleep since before Grace was born. Sometimes I really dread nighttime and after a hard night, it's a relief that morning has come. Please pray that all of our immune systems will be strengthened so that none of us get sick, especially Grace of course, but Michelle and I can't afford to get sick so as to not pass something along to her.




  1. I am so encouraged by the Lord's continued healing work in Grace. Praying for good rest for all 3 of you :o)

  2. Praise the Lord for a good report! We're praying for Lord to sustain you and Michelle during these hard nights. We love you!

  3. Oh, thank the Lord for good news and encouragement! We will be praying with you through this next month that the Lord will only continue to work great things through this little one :) And sleep. We will pray for sleep!!! Love you!

  4. I too am really encouraged to hear of her consistent healing! :praise!: But will still be praying for her--and especially you and "Mrs. LoVerde" with the challenges you face.

    Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain - 1 Cor 15, also 2 Cor 12:9
