Saturday, August 14, 2010

Keepin' it real

I told Derek tonight that through this blog I feel like I've only shared half of me (tragic, because this blog has been up and running for such a long time). I've written things, and then deleted them. Imagining that some of our readers might be our Pastors or Elders from our church (Hi Pastor John and Mr. Toon!), and knowing that my sweet grandmother reads this (Hi Nana!), has made me want to keep things...dignified. And sometimes dignified comes across as way too serious.

So. There are some things I need to get off my chest about the past few weeks:
1. We're going to kick Satan's butt through this process. Well, God's going to kick his butt because He's got the power (Did you know that using the word "butt" in my house growing up was like saying a cuss word? Sorry Mom, but I feel liberated.)
2. I'm suffering some serious reprecussions from Grace nursing 12 times a day now. I'll leave it at that out of respect for our male readers. You're welcome.
3. I've eaten almost an entire bottle of Hershey's Chocolate Syrup and jar of peanut butter since Grace's first seizure. Together. By the spoonful. Because Hershey's Syrup is my life.
4. Derek and I got into a huge fight over a bell pepper a few nights ago (yes, you read that right), which brought about a 20 minute sobfest by me. And, no, my husband is not married to a drama queen. Those were legitimate tears.*
5. Some medical professionals are lovely, kind, and helpful. Others make me want to stick a fork in my eye.

I feel cleansed, liberated, and free. Thank you. That is all.

*This was posted with the express permission of all involved parties.


  1. Hilarious! Thanks for your honesty, makes me miss you SO much.

  2. Good for you, Michelle! I think brutal honesty is what's going to get you through this tough time. Oh, and if you need someone to join you in your Hershey's syrup and peanut butter binge, I'll be there with my bag of marshmallows and chocolate chips. :-) I'm praying for you.

  3. That's my girl! :0) While God's kicking Satan in the butt, I'll take care of the front end. There. There's some more "realness" for you.


  4. My prayers are always with you both and Grace. I know the Lord will heal her. Satan has no room here where there is Faith and Trust in Jesus. God Bless you all. Aunt Janet

  5. Michelle -- I love the song you posted -- and your sentiments in the last post....I'll join you for Hershey's chocolate anytime!! My husband, Mark, saw me chugging it right out of the can one day and said, "You have a serious problem!" What can I say...I love chocolate -- straight!! You are going to overcome this with the help of your Lord...but it will be in HIS time...not yours...I speak from you and praying!! Donna Rypel

  6. To funny, girl! You are so much fun, even in the midst of all the challenges you are facing. And just for the record, I made the pioneer woman's chocolate syrup and it hardened too much to use in milk, so I just eat it by the spoonful. Nothing like a little Chocolate and heavy cream to give you a better outlook on life!

  7. First of all, don't stick a fork in your eye, stick it in there's! How's that for honesty!

    You crack me up!
